Train My Wife Read online

Page 4

  “Shit, you bastard!” she yelled and squirmed under my restraining hand.

  Taking no notice of her I swung a large, hinged clamp over the small of her back and pinned it so that she was locked on to the table, unable to rise. She continued to curse in a very unladylike way as I stepped around her, narrowly avoiding a smack from her cuffed hands. “Let me out of here, you sod … NOW! Christ almighty! What the … Ooow, shit!”

  I had taken one of the straps bolted to the front side of the forward bar and, passing it round her heavily hanging tit, buckled it tightly, forcing the delicious flesh to bulge beautifully. “Ah, yes,” said I as smugly as I could, “that works every bit as well as I’d hoped.”

  “Dammit, that bloody well hurts!”

  “I’m sure it does but it looks really lovely.” I crossed in front of her, stroking her hair as I passed. Taking my time I lovingly stroked and squeezed her right tit and then, assailed by a torrent of abuse, passed the second strap around it. It squeezed round the base of the great gourd, swelling it to match the other one.

  Now Kerry was well and truly imprisoned and she didn’t like it. She continued to curse and shout. She’d soon tire of bawling if only because there was no one to hear it.

  The main purpose of the pedestal was to make her bottom bulb out enticingly for the tawse and that is exactly what it did. Kerry’s lovely ass was a great sight. I rubbed my hands over the cool skin, languorously enjoying its smooth roundness. She really was a beautiful woman for whom I was developing quite a letch. I eased my fingers into the dividing cleft and rubbed my thumb up and down in search of her rose hole. She could not wriggle of course but she shouted even louder as I found the delightfully wrinkled hole and work the tip of my thumb into it.

  “You dirty sod ... how dare you do that … stop it … stop it!” “Kerry, first lesson, you really must stop swearing at me.” “This is vile and I demand that you release me right now!”

  “Oh no! You demand nothing. I am your lord and master. You are here at my pleasure because you are a bitch in serious need of correction. Only when I am satisfied that you have returned to the proper path of a true and loyal wife, only when you have learned to obey and submit yourself fully to your husband will I even consider releasing you. Until then you are in my custody and I will do with you all that I think fit! Clear?”

  “Let me go!” she wailed pitifully. She reached down with her cuffed hands trying to get a purchase on the upright.

  I watched her efforts for a few minutes, silently enjoying her struggles and then, when she had grown tired and hung her head with a long and wearisome sigh, I went to fetch a tawse. It was time to begin the treatment.

  “Now Kerry, I am going to whack your beautiful bottom. You will count the strokes but you will not scream. Any error in the counting and we start again at the beginning. Is that understood?”

  “Piss off! Who the hell do you think you are? Just wait until I’m out of here. I’m going to bring the full weight of the law down on you … and how!”

  I whacked her hard with the leather tawse. She shouted and cried and swore and blasphemed loudly. I gave her another with like enthusiasm. She screamed again. It was as if she would never learn the elementary code of discipline.

  “You must not threaten me, Kerry! Remember you came here by invitation and of your own free will. Now count!”

  I whacked her hard a third time. Her bum was reddening nicely. “O … one…” She whispered through heartfelt sobs.

  I gave her no pity though my strokes were much lighter. Was Kerry beginning to accept the new rules of the game? I didn’t somehow believe that someone so critically adventurous would be quite so eager to revise her own conduct. No, I believe Kerry was, even in the heat of such chastisement, thinking clearly of ways to make me stop.

  Whack! Her bottom jiggled enticingly. I found myself wanting to kiss it.

  “T … two ... sob … sob … snuffle.” Whack! Then I kissed it.

  A pause. “Three. Stop, please stop. You are hurting me!” Whack!

  “F ... f … four!”

  “Good,” I relented. There was little need to take it to extremes because we had so much time to make a gradual and, therefore, lasting change in Kerry. Her head hung low so that her face was concealed by her hair. Her arms hung downwards and her fingers remained out-stretched in the paroxysms of her pain. She looked so utterly desirable in that bottom-up posture that my rampant cock, projecting like a lance before me and my pent up balls tight and aching with the denial were almost leading me to her sex in spite of myself. I dropped the tawse and stepped on to the plinth to be close enough to feel her radiating heat. Kerry moved her head slightly and I knew that she could see my rampant charger. I reached beneath her and cupped one of those tightly strapped breasts. It felt wonderful, just as if it was bursting with milk. I rubbed my fingers over the deliciously soft skin and then nipped a nipple between finger and thumb. I played with it until her tears stopped and her sobs changed to the panting of feverish desire. Her skin was glowing and luminous and she was exuding that delicious perfume of heightened sensuality. She was resonating with the force of her need though I wasn’t sure if she was, as this point in our relationship, prepared to admit it.

  “How do you feel, Kerry?”

  “Bloody angry, if you must know. Angry and bloody well hurt. You hurt me, you bastard!”

  “You adore your husband, don’t you?” “Of course I do!”

  “So now you have a little understanding of what sexual frustration can do, eh?” “You think I am frustrated?”

  “I know so. Right now there is nothing you’d like better than to have my cock inside you, deny it if you will.”

  “God’s sake, man, you are a bastard!”

  I went behind her then and, without ceremony, thrust my cock straight into her sopping wet and fully opened pussy. Her excitement gave the lie to her denial. Her sex lips, that beautiful moist glove, clasped my charger and, inasmuch as she could move, Kerry worked herself on to it eagerly. I resisted and pulled away from her.

  “No, you sod, no don’t do that! Don’t leave me like this! No!” I thrust in again to the hilt. “Is that what you want?”

  “God, yes … oh yes … fuck me please!”

  Again I withdrew and this time stepped down off the plinth and walked away with her screaming after me. I left her in the annex and went to the main room containing all my very comprehensive range of bondage equipment.

  From a peg I brought down a chastity belt. It always seemed heavier than I remembered as I carried it and its accoutrements through to Kerry’s prison cell. Made of heavy leather and brass, it was designed for maximum control and to defy any efforts to release it. Once it was fitted, it would take away from her any command she might have had over her own body.

  Kerry’s head was again hung low. She seemed to be completely dejected by my cruel departure and might have been comatose but for the flicking of her fingers. Her skin was still enticingly flushed. I opened the waist clamp and she wriggled within the new but limited freedom. Her tits were still securely strapped to the front bar. She made a little pout with her full lips as if she was unhappy at being disturbed. Even when her eyes fell upon my rampant cock she was not provoked into saying anything. Instead she looked intently at it and I knew that she knew I could not, in the end, deny her the fulfilment she craved. Is that why she was smiling? Did she understand that small victory over her captor? I couldn’t deny that she looked wonderful strapped down in that desperately revealing pose. My cock was painfully rigid, rock hard and proud and demanding of satisfaction. I dropped the belt to the floor and bowed to its need, holding the thick, stiff column out towards her. I drove it in towards her and without further ado plunged into her. In went my noble crest, swiftly absorbed within those hot wet folds. Kerry squealed and opened her eyes wide as her clasping sex, diabolically deli
cious and lubricated with her juices, received me willingly. It pulled me within and clasped me in an embrace that forced me to hold still. I was locked into her. I folded myself down over her back, my head resting on her shoulder and stood in raging torment as her heat flowed through my cock and into my whole, tense body.

  It was a long moment of sensuous delight that could not last long, wish for it as I might. For we each demanded release of the boisterous babblings within both of us. My cock was fat and hard inside her. I thrust in through her tight gripping, muscular sex and the head of my shaft touched her cervix. I reamed her again and again.

  “Fuck me, oh fuck me hard … hard ... harder, you bastard ... fuck ... me!”

  I fucked her. Withdrawing so that the very tip of my weapon was at the entrance I paused and then plunged in again to the hilt. Cool in the air, hot in her wet quim, the contrasts were amazing and soon had my balls tightening up ready to deliver my load. In and out I slammed, quickening the pace to my quickening pulse. She cried out at each lunge and forced herself tight against me to get all of it inside her. I clasped her imprisoned tits and kneaded them with talon fingers, uncaring of the pain I might be causing her. She writhed her hips as I drove in and out, hungry for my soothing load to quell her long pent up passions. My cock stiffened yet more, drawing unto itself every fibre of my being as though to empty my body of all its essential juices. I let them flow with complete abandon. Her panting breath was hot on my chest. Her scalding tears splashed on to the flags. My juices boiled and drove along the length of my shaft in a hot stream of erupting magma and burst into her womb in a heated spray. My body shook and vibrated as I emptied myself into her. I flung my arms up to her shoulders and hung on breathlessly whilst our hearts, beating as one, pounded in our chests. The sweet scent of her outpouring climax and our mingling perspirations were an elixir to the explosion of our mutual passions.

  It was a long time before we subsided enough for me to get a grasp on reality. It angered me that I had let this woman command me like this. I had succumbed to her seduction and willingly sacrificed myself to her.

  I drew out from her my flaccid, defeated, contented cock and stepped back to look at her flushed body. She returned my gaze with frank appraisal.

  “There now, bitch, the first of many. Before I am done with you, believe me, you are going to be begging for it all the time, morning, noon and night and just so you understand that, I am going to give you something to remember it with.”

  She had seen the belt but I wasn’t sure that she recognised it for what it was. She murmured a question as I buckled the heavy thing about her waist. I ignored her. Back and front were intricately shaped leather pads, the front one fitting perfectly into the neat moulding of her crotch, the rear one shaped to part the cheeks of her backside so that the brass lined threaded hole let into it was exactly in line with her exposed rose hole. The two parts strapped together between her legs where it was locked with a click of finality. There was no escape from the cool, shiny, stainless steel dildos, one a little thicker than the other to stretch the appropriate holes, that I was going to insert fully into her front and back. They were both satisfyingly long. Near the base of each was a thread. She opened her eyes wide with astonishment as I inserted the larger one into the front hole and into her gaping pussy. It slid sweetly on the residual juices of our delicious fuck and soon was hidden completely within. She groaned with pleasure as I screwed it into the thread.

  “Ooooh!” she sighed, “that is soooo beautiful.”

  I hoped she would enjoy the second one as much.

  Of slightly smaller dimensions but otherwise similar, it would plug her nicely for the rest of the night. I stood erect then so that she could see me coating it with KY jelly. Her eyes widened with alarm.

  “Not in my bottom, no, please!” Her protest was somewhat half-hearted as if I had already drained her of all emotion and she was too tired to fight.

  I knelt down between her legs and gently inserted it through the rear aperture. She yelped loudly as I pushed it against her resisting sphincter. “No! No! Not there! Not there, please!” The last word was a scream as her rose hole yielded and the demanding instrument slid partially within her. She writhed and cried out pulling against her straps in a bid to unseat the intruder. I waited for her movements to subside then pushed again, forcing the dildo all the way. It slid in tightly. I could feel the pulsating of her protesting flesh and was pleased in some perverse way that she was not used to that particular penetration. I would enjoy breaking her to that virgin hole all the more with that knowledge. It was a route to pleasure that I revelled in. I held still waiting for her to relax. At last her muscular tension eased and she was accepting the intruder and with that moment of acceptance Kerry ceased to squirm. Her protests were diminished to small mewlings. I screwed the dildo into the thread. She sighed and squirmed as much as she was able but, at last, she was filled with unrelenting steel locked into both holes.

  “There now,” I said as I got to my feet, “is that nice and comfortable?” I put my hand over her mouth, not wishing to hear what she had to say either way. We looked deeply into each other’s eyes for some time. Through tears hers eyes were ablaze with lust and fear; mine, searching hers, were cold and calculating.

  With a murmur behind my stifling hand, she dropped her eyes and I knew she was broken into the belt.

  It was time to make her comfortable for the night.

  I fetched a spreader bar and strapped it between her ankles then, one by one, I released her tits and slowly brought her upright. She stepped out of the clogs and fell into my arms, crying with pain and sheer weariness. Half carrying, half pushing I took her into another part of the cellar and laid her down on a rubber-covered couch. I brought up a strap and buckled it across her chest just below those magnificent tits. Imprisoned once more she was again mine to do with as I willed. She was too tired to fight me. These clumsy restraints would be necessary day and night for quite some time to bring her to a complete understanding of her life condition as a slave. She must learn to submit to anything her master, me, expected from her. I was looking for all the buttons that had to be pressed in order to bring her to total submission and longed for the time when I could be sure that, apart from frequent whipping for the sake of good order, there would be no need for such things.

  “But then,” I told myself, “I would have to give her back to Dominic and the kids.” Pity!

  I inserted a hook nto a small eye on the waistband of the belt. This was attached to a chain that went up to a pulley in the ceiling and down to a cleat. By hauling on the chain I raised her midriff enough to lift her ass off the rubber. Another eye in the belt let me shackle a short chain between it and a corresponding eye on the spreader. It obliged her to bend her knees. Lastly, by turning a small wheel, I was able to raise the head of the bed enough to let her see the neatness of her new bondage I stroked her forehead to help her to relax. “Just let yourself go, lass. Let the equipment take your weight. You’ll be so comfortable. You cannot imagine the picture you make.” My cock did. It was raised to the seductive challenge.

  “Don’t leave me, please!” she wailed as I turned away.

  I wasn’t going anywhere just yet. Kerry looked hard at me before her lustful eyes fell again to my restored weapon. She was licking dry lips with a pointed tongue. I walked over to her and stood beside the couch. She reached for my hard cock and rubbed it gently.

  “It is sooooo hard, so beautiful. Does it always get hard again so quickly?”

  Climbing onto the couch I straddled Kerry’s chest and leaned over her so that my throbbing cock with its thickened veins was at her lips. I wanted her to smell herself on it for a moment before I let her have it to taste. I pushed in. Her soft lips enfolded it and I melted into the wet heat of her mouth.

  “Caress me.” I ordered. “Come on, bring up your hands.” I held still, my engorged cock distend
ing her lips sweetly. Her hands came up. She stroked my thighs. Her finger seemed to play a symphony on my flesh as they worked between buttocks and knees. Her eyes smiled. Her breathing was erratic with excitement and shallow because my weight pressed on her chest. My buttocks pressed on her lavish tits. They made an excellent cushion. Her fingers danced towards my half buried cock. One hand went beneath to cradle my balls, the other closed over my shaft. I withdrew to let her stroke its full, iron hard length. Her fingers were magical. I simply could not believe that having denied her husband for so long ,she hadn’t been getting fucked by someone else, so proficient were her responses. She clasped my cock and drew it towards her eager mouth. I let her have it. I held her head still, cupping her cheeks as I plunged down her throat in sharp stabbing jabs fucking her face. Her eyes were wide open caressing me with a loving gaze as her cheeks hollowed and swelled with my thrusting. Her massaging fingers kneaded my balls willing them to give up their spunk. Again she withdrew my cock and let it rest against her cheek bedewing it with the mixture of her saliva and my pre cum.

  “Come in my mouth. I want it all in there. Down my throat!” She smiled briefly then opened wide to guide my cock within.

  I leaned forward, raising my buttocks from her chest where they had been cushioned on those exquisite tits and worked feverishly, pounding between her ruby lips. I could feel my balls tightening. The hot fluid was rising into my aching cock. Its head tingled almost unbearably as she lathed her tongue round it. I was reaching the peak and belaboured her mouth unsparingly, uncaring of anything except the desperate need to explode in her mouth. “Aaahhh!” I bellowed as my cum erupted. I fired great spurts of it inundating her throat, flooding it as she clamped her lips over me to catch it all. The breath was rasping in her nostrils sounding like an engine as I continued to piston her. At last, spent, drained and exhausted I paused, holding still and let her feed off me for as long as she wished. Small dribbles leaked from the corners of her mouth as she swallowed time and again to take it all down. Spent and dry and going a little soft I withdrew. She stroked a finger at the corners of her mouth to put the dribble in between her lips. She smiled tiredly and closed her eyes.